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Convert British Pound to Euro

This exchange rate is also known as GBP to EUR

Use the currency converter below to give you the current GBP to EUR interbank exchange rate:


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1 GBP = 1.183800 EUR

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What is the British Pound to Euro exchange rate?

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Get the exchange rate from GBP to EUR

visually see the GBP to EUR exchange rate in the converter.

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You will see the converted amount appear in the amount field and in the Euro that you want. Done!

Could you be losing money on currency exchange?

Banks and currency brokers for far too long have been taking large spreads, commissions and extra hidden charges when sending money abroad or selling you travel money. Using a transparent currency specialist online like The Currency Club will give you access to the live prevailing GBP to EUR interbank exchange rate before confirming your exchange rate. You receive an all inclusive price and then can then make a direct comparison with other providers and the margins that they are taking. There will be no hidden charges and you will be able to see clearly the expected margin from the live GBP to EUR exchange rate.

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Interbank Rate

What can impact the GBP to EUR exchange rate?

Firstly, GBP to EUR is a currency pair. The pound to euro exchange rate is impacted via a variety of different conditions. We can split this down into both political and economic drivers. If we look into the detail of the GBP to EUR rate, it is the price of one currency in relation to another. As the currency pair (GBP to EUR) moves one currency is gaining or losing strength against the other.

If the pound is strengthening against the euro, this means that the value of the pound is increasing relative to the euro. Therefore, you are getting more euros for every pound that you sell. If the pound is weakening against the euro then the reverse is taking place.

As mentioned, both the pound and euro are clearly impacted by both political events and economic factors. A prime example of a political event is to look at the impact of the Brexit vote in 2016 on the value of the pound against the euro. See graph below.

The pound dropped by almost 7% against the EUR following the vote.

We can consider economic impacts such as an increase in the base rate, i.e. the rate of interest which is set by the bank of England. If a rate hike is expected, we could see the pound strengthen.

The same principles apply to the Euro. Therefore economic and political factors in both regions will impact the pound euro exchange rate.

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How much can the pound euro exchange rate move in a week?

We refer to the big movements in currency pairs with volatility. Volatility literally is the unpredictable and erratic movement of exchange rates in the foreign exchange market. In recent years given both the political landscape and the emergence of a pandemic, we have seen GBP to EUR fluctuate a great deal and it is not uncommon to see movements that exceed 1% per day.

So even on a transfer for example, of £100,000 into Euros, that could easily be the difference of £1000.

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Can you rely on forecasts for GBP to EUR?

No - is the honest answer. Nobody has a crystal ball in working out what the future holds.

There are many websites out there that claim to provide forecasts and indicators as to where they provide opinions on where GBP EUR is heading. There is a great deal of technical jargon which is sometimes used to balance their arguments but being a seasoned professional in the foreign exchange margin, I can say that a lot of the time they get it wrong.

Do not make your judgement based on forecasts. Everyone would like to exchange currency at the best possible time, but this is not the case.

If I can't rely on forecasts then how can I get the best GBP to EUR rate?

Although, none of us have a crystal ball, if you are making a large transaction to buy euros against pounds or the other way round, then you want to try your level best to transact at the most optimum time.

This is where a currency specialist can help. We know that our customers live busy lives, and we can monitor the market for you. We will be your eyes and ears and do our best to let you know when the GBP EUR rate moves in your favour.

Unless you watch the rate regularly throughout the day, this service alone could save you time and money.

You can also choose how you want to be notified. Either via an email or via phone and you can then happily make your transaction over the phone or via our online platform at the real pound to euro exchange rate with no spreads or hidden fees.

It is very important that if you are making business payments or looking to make personal international transfers that you reach out to a currency specialist who can guide you with assisting you.

How to get the best pound to euro exchange rate

The UK's only sole provider of foreign currency without hidden fees. Compare and see how much you can save by buying Euros at the real exchange rate.

The first step on your quest to find the best euro exchange rate is to understand how the rate is structured. Most financial institutions, when selling euros to you in the UK will refer to the Sterling Pound as the base currency. The pound is also abbreviated as GBP. Therefore for £1 you will receive X Euros.

For example, as of writing this article, the real interbank exchange rate is showing GBP/EUR 1.1018. This means for every £1 is equal to 1.1018 Euros.

Therefore the higher the pound to euro rate, the more euros you end up with in your pocket!

The euro is also abbreviated as EUR, so make sure you select this from the drop down menu on the converter.

To make sure that you are getting the best value when you buy euros, always check the rate of exchange on offer and the final value of Euros that you receive after all deductions are made. Always check just before confirmation, how much am I paying in pounds and how much am I receiving in euros.

The best currency exchange rates are found online and are much cheaper than using high street brands and obtaining it last minute at the airport.

If you want to exchange your euros for pounds, then visit our currency buy back page. Or learn more here about getting the best deal on your travel currency.

How does the pound euro exchange rate move

The exchange rate like others will show you the value of one currency against another. These rates move millisecond by millisecond based on supply and demand for each currency in the multi-trillion foreign exchange market and all providers of currency will provide a rate based on a multitude of factors. The Currency Club will always provide you with the real exchange rate on pound to euro (GBP/EUR) and will clearly show you the small fee applied.

Can I target a pound to euro rate

Given the recent climate, the volatility in the markets is significant. You can indeed target a rate using the rate reminder tool. As soon as your desired exchange rate is reached, you will receive an email alert. Should the rate not be reached, you will be updated with the latest Euro exchange rate. However always be aware that exchange rates move in either direction!

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Quick Conversion Rates

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GBP flagGBP EUR flag EUR

1.18 EUR
11.83 EUR
118.38 EUR
1,183.80 EUR
11,838.00 EUR
118,380.00 EUR

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EUR flag EUR GBP flagGBP

0.84  GBP
8.44  GBP
84.47  GBP
844.73  GBP
8,447.37  GBP
84,473.70  GBP

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The Currency Club is the UK's leading online transparent foreign exchange specialist. Whether you need to buy travel money or send money internationally at low cost, transact at the best exchange rates with direct visibility of the live interbank exchange rate every time before you transact.

Whether you are a private client or a business reach us today on 020 7723 7000

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