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Convert British Pound to US Dollar

This exchange rate is also known as GBP to USD

Use the currency converter below to give you the current GBP to USD interbank exchange rate:


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1 GBP = 1.297580 USD

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What is the British Pound to US Dollar exchange rate?

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Get the exchange rate from GBP to USD

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You will see the converted amount appear in the amount field and in the US Dollar that you want. Done!

Could you be losing money on currency exchange?

Banks and currency brokers for far too long have been taking large spreads, commissions and extra hidden charges when sending money abroad or selling you travel money. Using a transparent currency specialist online like The Currency Club will give you access to the live prevailing GBP to USD interbank exchange rate before confirming your exchange rate. You receive an all inclusive price and then can then make a direct comparison with other providers and the margins that they are taking. There will be no hidden charges and you will be able to see clearly the expected margin from the live GBP to USD exchange rate.

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What caused the GBP to USD exchange rate to fluctuate?

The pound to us dollar exchange rate can be impacted by a number of factors, both economic and political events taking place in the countries that transact in these currencies. This in turn causes volatility in the exchange rate.

Take for example, the Brexit vote impact on the value of the pound against the Us dollar in 2016

The pound fell more than 10% against the US dollar as the result of the Brexit vote came through.

The pound against the us dollar is known as a currency pair. It is the value that one unit of the currency is against another. It can either be quoted as one dollar is equal to a certain amount in pounds or the other way round where one pound is equal to a certain amount of dollars. Also referred to as the inverse.

As the pound to us dollar currency pair moves, one currency is either gaining or losing strength against another.

If the pound is weakening against the dollar, then it means that the pound value is falling against the us dollar, therefore you are getting less pounds for every us dollar that you sell, or if you are buying dollars, then you are getting less dollars for every pound you sell.

The reverse applies if the pound is strengthening against the dollar, where you would receive more dollars for every pound that you sell, or if you are selling dollars, you would receive less pounds for every dollar that you sell.

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Top Tips for getting the best pound to dollar exchange rate

Firstly, always understand how the GBP/USD exchange rate is displayed.
Most currency exchange specialists will show the rate for one pound is equal to x number of US dollars. Therefore always look for the highest exchange rate as this will tell you most amount of US dollars that you will receive for each pound.

Always check and compare the total cost when buying US Dollars before confirming. Pre-order US Dollars online to achieve a better exchange rate before you get to the airport.
Many bureau de changes and all high street operators include their margin within the GBP/USD rate that they will offer to you. Or they may charge commission and other handling fees on top. This is notoriously common for Airport bureau de change! The best way to get the best value when buying your us dollars is to check carefully the final cost in pounds against the total amount of us dollars that you are buying. Compare and then finalise your purchase.
The Currency Club will always provide you with access to the interbank exchange rate before you confirm our best offered exchange rate allowing you to compare more easily when you purchase us dollars.

Some providers offer better value for larger orders
Always check the amount of US dollars that you are buying and if you are flexible with the amount or are buying us dollars as part of a larger group, then play around with the converters on websites.
When making a currency exchange, The Currency Club will give you a better rate of exchange for the more that you order.

How much can the pound to us dollar exchange rate move in a week?

When there are big movements in currency pairs, we express this with the term of volatility. Volatility can be explained as the changeable and unpredictable movement of exchange rates in the foreign exchange market. Given the recent political and economic landscape of both the US and the UK, it has not been uncommon to see movements in the pound to us dollar exchange rate exceeding 1% per day.

How does volatility affect me when I send us dollars abroad?

If you were considering transferring pounds to us dollars, a movement of even 1% could be the difference of £1000 on £100,000 into us dollars. That's a lot of money that can be gained or lost just by the movement in the exchange rates! So, you can now buy dollars online here whenever you need and bypass the currency fluctuation.

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Can you rely on forecasts for GBP vs USD?

No one has a crystal ball to work out the future of the pound to us dollar exchange rate. So the clear answer is no.

There are lots of analysts working at banks, that try their best to forecast the exchange rates and many work on the basis of charting and technical analysis. They too get their predictions wrong.

Although everyone would like to exchange currency at the most optimal time, it is not always the case. It is advised not to rely on forecasts when transferring pounds to us dollars or any other currency.

How can I get the best GBP to USD rate?

Timing is key. We cannot depend on forecasts, there is a route where one can monitor the live pound to us dollar exchange rate, and with eyes and ears on the foreign exchange market, this can help you when the pound against the us dollar is in your favour.

Online currency specialists can help

An online currency specialist not only can give you access to great value when you send money abroad, but they can also monitor the market movements, and this service alone could save you time and money.

We can contact you via email or phone, you can also decide how you would like to be kept in touch.

When you are ready to transact, you can either trade directly via our online platform at the best pound to us dollar exchange rate without any hidden fees with direct access to the live interbank exchange rate before confirming your fx deal.

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Quick Conversion Rates

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GBP flagGBP USD flag USD

1.29 USD
12.97 USD
129.75 USD
1,297.58 USD
12,975.80 USD
129,758.00 USD

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USD flag USD GBP flagGBP

0.77  GBP
7.70  GBP
77.06  GBP
770.66  GBP
7,706.66  GBP
77,066.60  GBP

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The Currency Club is the UK's leading online transparent foreign exchange specialist. Whether you need to buy travel money or send money internationally at low cost, transact at the best exchange rates with direct visibility of the live interbank exchange rate every time before you transact.

Whether you are a private client or a business reach us today on 020 7723 7000

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