Hong Kong Dollars Symbol: HK$ | HKD
1. The official currency of Hong Kong is HK$ and is abbreviated as HKD.
2. HKD is the 9th most traded currency globally by value.
3. HKD is pegged to a narrow trading band, currently ranging between HK$7.7500- HK$7.7600 per USD.
4. Even after the inception of HKD in 1863, various national currencies were circulated unofficially in Hong Kong, such as Indian Rupees, Chinese cash coins and Spanish or Mexican eight reales.
5. HKMA or Hong Kong Monetary Authority manages the stability and controls inflation of Hong Kong Dollars.
6. Currently, the available banknotes circulated in Hong Kong are in denominations of HK$10, HK HK$20, HK$50, HK$100, HK$500, HK$1000 issued by four different banks.
7. Also, the qualities of Hong Kong banknotes are top-notch due to their dynamic colour changing pattern, bestowing a premium look.
What is the interbank exchange rate for the Hong Kong Dollar ?
1 GBP = 10.080700 HKD
Last update date : 08-11-2024 01:28:18
Last updated on 08-11-2024 01:28:18
The below table shows the exchange rate and inverse exchange rate
Last updated on 08-11-2024 01:28:18
Currency |
Exchange Rate |
Inverse Rate |